One of the main topics of discussion was literature, and several novels were mentioned, including Jason Reynold's Long Way Down and Jaqueline Woodson's Brown Girl Dreaming. These novels, both written in verse, were praised for their powerful storytelling and thought-provoking themes. The group also discussed ways to diversify the texts they were using in the classroom, mentioning novels such as Refugee by Alan Gratz and Jackpot by Nic Stone.
The social was organized by KATE Vice President and Membership Chair, Shayn Guillemette, who expressed his hope that the small turnout was just the beginning of greater things to come. "We have to start somewhere," he said. Deb McNemee of Andover Public Schools, also attended the social, as did KATE President Nathan Whitman. Despite a small turnout, the group is optimistic for the March social on the 25th at the Artichoke in Wichita. Comments are closed.
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December 2024